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- 1420 Celebration Blvd, Celebration, FL, 34747
- (888) 593-0096
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More Efficient
More Efficient
The Clover Mini 3rd Gen is a compact, countertop, smart Point-of-Sale system. This model of the Clover Mini is the latest and greatest of all of the Clover line of POS systems and is leading the way for the 3rd generation. Improving on the 2nd generation, this new Clover Mini comes with an 8” screen that improves resolution and screen clarity. With quality of life improvements such as updating the user interface and improving the camera, Clover has now made running your business from one, simple POS system even easier!
This new Clover Mini is well-suited for almost all business ranging from the service industry, retail, and even restaurants!
Ⓒ 2025 EmeraldPay, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Emerald Business Solutions, LLC., DBA EmeraldPay, Is A Registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA
The Clover® name and logo are owned by Clover® Network, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data® corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.