Head Office
- 1420 Celebration Blvd, Celebration, FL, 34747
- (888) 593-0096
- [email protected]
It’s as simple as pushing a button. Just enter an amount and the cash, debit, and credit prices will display. Just push on the method of payment and you are ready to take the payment.
You should never have to calculate a discount by at the moment of sale. Let your Clover Device do it for you! Just select the method of payment and your Clover Device will automatically adjust your pricing accordingly. No need to adjust inventory prices!
Clover Station Duo
Clover Station Solo
Clover Mini
Clover Flex
Ⓒ 2025 EmeraldPay, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Emerald Business Solutions, LLC., DBA EmeraldPay, Is A Registered Independent Sales Organization of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA
The Clover® name and logo are owned by Clover® Network, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data® corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.